Clicker Sentences app
Clicker Sentences, by Crick Software, is a writing tool that allows emerging and struggling writers to create sentences from a word bank grid. The teacher enters a sentence set and can determine whether there is a model written or spoken sentence, whether words are in alphabetical, random or guided order, and a picture can be added as well. The great thing about this app is that sentences can be highly personalized, according to the student's interests, so writing is more motivating. There are also pre-made sentence sets. The app allows the student to hear the sentence they create, enabling the student to make corrections to the word order if it is incorrect.
Clicker also has other writing apps, including Clicker Connect and Clicker Docs, which are apps with different levels of support for word prediction. Unfortunately, the app is rather expensive, costing $32.99. Clearly, it is an app that would not be used widely in a classroom, but it is very helpful for students with learning difficulties, as it enables them to be successful with creating sentences and stories independently. I am having great success with this app, particularly for students who have very poor fine motor and keyboarding skills. Writing and typing can be laborious for these students, and they often lose interest in the content when so much effort is put into the production of writing or typing, so with Clicker apps they are able to produce written content by simply tapping words.
Happy to hear you are enjoying the tool. Since we can't see the actual app your screenshots were very helpful.